This is the Website for the Settlement between Blue Cross Blue Shield Plans and their Subscribers. There is a separate Settlement between Blue Cross Blue Shield Plans and Healthcare Providers. The Provider Settlement website is
The Court granted final approval to the Settlement on August 9, 2022. On January 26, 2024, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals denied an appeal of their October 25, 2023 decision affirming approval of the Settlement Agreement. On June 24, 2024, the Supreme Court of the United States denied an appeal of the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals decision affirming approval of the Settlement Agreement. All appeals are resolved. Please watch this website for updates.
Claim determination notices are being emailed on a rolling basis. The deadline to dispute your Total Premiums Paid and/or Total Administrative Fees Paid is 30 days from when the notice is sent.
This settlement, arising from a class action antitrust lawsuit called In re: Blue Cross Blue Shield Antitrust Litigation MDL 2406, N.D. Ala. Master File No. 2:13-cv-20000-RDP (the “Settlement”), was reached on behalf of individuals and companies that purchased or received health insurance provided or administered by a Blue Cross Blue Shield company. Class Representatives (“Plaintiffs”) reached a Settlement on October 16, 2020 with the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (“BCBSA”) and Settling Individual Blue Plans. BCBSA and Settling Individual Blue Plans are called “Settling Defendants.”
Plaintiffs allege that Settling Defendants violated antitrust laws by entering into an agreement not to compete with each other and to limit competition among themselves in selling health insurance and administrative services for health insurance. Settling Defendants deny all allegations of wrongdoing and assert that their conduct results in lower healthcare costs and greater access to care for their customers. The Court has not decided who is right or wrong. Instead, Plaintiffs and Settling Defendants have agreed to a Settlement to avoid the risk and cost of further litigation.
The Settlement will establish a $2.67 billion Settlement Fund. Settling Defendants will also agree to make changes in the way they do business that Plaintiffs believe will increase the opportunities for competition in the market for health insurance.
The Court certified two Settlement Classes in this case―a Damages Class and an Injunctive Relief Class. For more information about these classes, please see FAQ 7.
To receive a payment, you must have filed a claim by November 5, 2021.
Action & Due Date | Explanation |
FILE A CLAIM (DAMAGES CLASS ONLY) November 5, 2021 (Submitted Online or Postmarked) (PASSED) |
ASK TO BE EXCLUDED ("OPT OUT") Self-Funded Entity Accounts - May 2, 2022 (Postmarked) (PASSED) All Other Classes - July 28, 2021 (Postmarked) (PASSED) |
OBJECT Self-Funded Entity Accounts - May 2, 2022 (Postmarked) (PASSED) All Other Classes - July 28, 2021 (Postmarked) (PASSED) |
ATTEND THE HEARING October 20-21, 2021 (HELD) |
These rights and options—and the deadlines to exercise them—are explained in the Notice. The deadlines may be changed, so please check this website for updates and further details.